Animate Presence

Animate components when they're removed from the Vue tree.

The AnimatePresence component enables you to animate components as they enter and exit the Vue tree when controlled by v-if or v-show directives.


import { AnimatePresence } from 'motion-v'



Integration with Radix

AnimatePresence can be seamlessly integrated with Radix Vue components. The following example demonstrates how to add enter and exit animations to a Radix Dialog:



  • Default: false

AnimatePresence is based on TransitionGroup and Transition, when multiple is true, it will use TransitionGroup to animate multiple children.


  • Default: sync

Decides how AnimatePresence handles entering and exiting children.

  • sync: Children animate in/out as soon as they're added/removed.
  • wait: The entering child will wait until the exiting child has animated out.
  • popLayout: Exiting children will be "popped" out of the page layout. This allows surrounding elements to move to their new layout immediately.